Getting Education is the only Key for a person to Gain knowledge and learn How to be confident in Life. It may work as a key for boosting up your career and personal development. A learned man can be an honest citizen. It enables you to make the right decisions in our lives. Education provide self confidence. It is the critical part of our life
Quality of Life Quality of life is a term which applies to the experiences individuals have that are primary focused on their satisfaction by level in using resources, assets and opportunities. It enables better health care, living conditions and lifestyle choices. Well-educated humans will tend to decide more wisely regarding their health, food and every day lives. Research demonstrates that the more educated live longer, healthier lives (Mirowsky and Ross 2003) They also tend to do organized activities that are healthier for their minds and bodies such as regular exercise, cultural events or volunteering.
Social and Civic Benefits
Education is the key to making sure that we entire our communities as informed and engaged citizens. It educates people about their rights, responsibilities as well as the need to become responsible members of society. As the evidence from my Congressional quantitative analysis showed over a decade ago — and as was reported in national media for almost two years now — that educated folk are more likely to enroll, pay attention, participate (like voting), read certain newspapers or magazines.